About Me

Hello my name is Erika, I am a full time mom, a wife, a blogger and I am 31 years old… naa this is just too generic for me, let’s start over.
I am a stranger, the type you pass by on your way to work, or sit next to at the coffee shop, a simple person just like you.
I have my flaws, my dreams and my goals, an ordinary person that has seen it all… well almost.
I know what it’s like to be stressed and depressed, bruised, misused and abused, been through poverty and royalty, confused and refused, crappy and happy.
My goals; Building a sincere & honest, informative & educative, helpful & resourceful, humorous & inspiring, creative & interesting online environment.
And ofcourse successful.
As the saying goes “when mama’s happy, it’s a happy happy home”!
This might sound silly to you but it is a fact, happy stressed free healthy parents create exceptional homes. When you’re happy, your kids are happy, when you are healthy, your kids follow in your footsteps.
This is what toptentake is all about, speaking from personal experience, I understand exactly what it’s like as a single parent, dealing with responsibilities and stress is a constant hassle that no one person should have to face alone, my part in all this to to help you find the right products online with real hones reviews which will enable you to save time and money when deciding to shop online.. We all know that time and money are extremely important to us that we cannot afford use it unwisely!
😯😴 why does this feel like an advertisement or newsletter??😕
Sorry, think I got carried away.
Oh and I have 3 girls and a cat called simba..
So enough talk already ,why don’t you just subscribe to my site to receive weekly updates on my top ten take on latest trends and online shopping!
Kind regards


1 comment:

  1. So sweat. What you say comes from your heart. You are such a loving and giving person.
